Did You Know?
Did you know the TASD Board of Directors recently approved the purchase of Smart Labs for several of our elementary schools? Smart Lab Learning gives students the tools to make decisions, solve problems, and manage complex tasks - preparing students for tomorrow’s world. To learn more about Smart Labs click the link. https://www.smartlablearning.com/

Did You Know?
Did you know AHS students have an opportunity to graduate from high school with a high school diploma and an Associate Degree simultaneously? Click the link for more information.

AHS Softball Game Change -
There has been a change in the AHS Softball game against Sheridan this week. The Varsity Softball team will now play at Sheridan on Thursday, April 21st starting at 6:00 pm.
Baseball & Soccer will still play at Sheridan on Friday night, April 22nd starting at 5:00 pm. #teamtasd #potentialrealized

The Texarkana Arkansas School District is excited to announce that we are currently accepting referrals for students in grades 2-11 who would like to be evaluated for possible placement in the gifted and talented program. (If you currently have a student in the GT program, this does not apply to you.) A parent wishing to refer a student for the 2022-23 school year should contact their child's teacher and/or counselor prior to completing the GT Referral form to review the student's past grades, test scores, and classroom performance to determine advisability of testing. Referred students will be tested on campus in May. ALL referrals for evaluation must be completed by Friday, April 29, 2022. For further information or if you have any questions, please contact Marissa Escobar at (870) 772-3371. Thank you!
2022-2023 TASD GT Referral Form - Parent Survey
2022-2023 TASD GT Referral Form - Student Survey

The AHS Baseball game scheduled for tonight, Monday, April 18 in Arkadelphia has been canceled. #teamtasd #potentialrealized

The Razorback Redline is proud to present “A Night With Redline” Spring Show! The performance will be this Friday, April 15th, at 6:00 pm in the Arkansas High School Student Union (cafeteria). All tickets will be $5 at the door. Please come out and support this great group of young ladies as they show off their hard work and amazing dance skills!

The AHS Baseball, Softball, and Soccer games scheduled to be played in Pine Bluff tonight have been cancelled due to the weather. #teamtasd #potentialrealized

The Texarkana Arkansas School District continues to see an increase in fights and other similar misbehavior. These major disruptions to the instructional day caused by a handful of students will not be tolerated. The safety and well-being of our students and staff are of utmost priority. Our expectations are for students to come to school and behave appropriately, and any student who fights or participates in similar misbehavior will receive serious consequences.
Effective immediately, TASD will enforce the strictest disciplinary actions against students in grades 6-12 who engage in fighting, assault, battery, or other similar attacks. These types of behaviors will be considered as conduct that disrupts the school environment or educational process (Category 3 offense), which will result in ten (10) days of out-of-school suspension and recommendation of expulsion.
We want our staff, students, parents, and community to be proud of the Texarkana Arkansas School District, and we need your help. We must all commit to working together to ensure the safety of our schools and our community. Please continue to talk to your children and let them know how to reach out for help or to report inappropriate behavior.

The AHS Baseball & Softball games scheduled for tonight against Lakeside have been cancelled & have been rescheduled for this Thursday, April 7th (start times to be posted later). The baseball games that were already on the schedule for this Thursday against Ashdown have now been cancelled.
AHS VG/VB Soccer will still play at home TONIGHT starting at 5:00 pm.
#teamtasd #potentialrealized

The AHS V/JV Baseball games scheduled for Monday, April 4th at home against Magnolia, have been cancelled. #teamtasd #potentialrealized

American Rescue Plan Survey - The Texarkana Arkansas School District is seeking critical feedback from various stakeholders who have significant insight into the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on teaching and learning. Feedback will be used to plan for the use of funds received. The Texarkana Arkansas School District values and appreciates your feedback to support our school community. Click the link to complete survey: https://forms.gle/eKFncBHRj7uRpB7L7

American Rescue Plan Survey - The Texarkana Arkansas School District is seeking critical feedback from various stakeholders who have significant insight into the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on teaching and learning. Feedback will be used to plan for the use of funds received. The Texarkana Arkansas School District values and appreciates your feedback to support our school community. Click the link to complete survey: https://forms.gle/i7Mfk4XPKox6YA9f6

The AHS VG/VB Soccer games that were scheduled for tomorrow, March 15th, have been moved up to today at Razorback Stadium. Varsity girls will play at 5 pm and boys will play at 7 pm.
Baseball & Softball are still scheduled to play their games against White Hall at home tomorrow, March 15th.
Softball starts at 4:30 pm and Baseball starts at 5 pm. #teamtasd #potentialrealized

Please make plans to attend the AHS Art Show on March 14 from 4-6 p.m. to celebrate our talented students! #teamtasd #potentialrealized

Good afternoon Razorback families. The Razorback Redline would like to invite you and your friends to the Miss Arkansas High School and Miss Arkansas Middle School Pageants this Saturday, March 12, in the Arkansas High School cafeteria. The Arkansas Middle School Pageant will begin at 4:00 p.m., and the Arkansas High School Pageant will begin at 6:30 p.m.
Tickets will be sold at the door - $5 each. Your ticket purchase is good for entry to both pageants. Please come out and support these talented and beautiful young ladies as they represent their schools. Again, the pageant will be this Saturday, March 12, at 4:00 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. in the Arkansas High School cafeteria. We hope to see you there!

TASD is powering up with reading. Grab a book and read along with us. #teamtasd #potentialrealized

AHS "Doc Walker" Hog Relays will be Thursday, March 3, 2022 at Razorback Stadium starting at 3:30. #teamtasd #potentialrealized

Calling all little razorbacks!
It’s time for kindergarten registration. Parents if you have kindergarten age children, this razorback message is for you. Texarkana School District invites parents to come out for an early, easy registration for the 2022-2023 school year.
Enjoy a morning full of games, prizes and fun at Arkansas Middle School (located at 5443 Jefferson Avenue), this Saturday March 5 from 10:00 a.m. – 12 noon. Visit each of the elementary campus booths as they showcase their magnet themes. Parents, be sure to bring your child’s birth certificate, immunization records, social security card, physical exam documentation and insurance card.
For more information call 870-772-3371.

Update: Power has been restored at the Administration Building, Kilpatrick and North Heights Community School.

Currently the Administration Building, Kilpatrick, and North Heights Community School are experiencing a power outage. We are waiting on information regarding power restoration. All staff and students are safe. Stayed connected for more updates.